Q2 in Review and a Look to Q3

Is it just me or does 2023 feel like the fastest year EVER?!

As I’m writing this, I just got back from a beach trip with my besties and they were all saying the same thing.

I feel like the months are FLYING and things are happening so quickly – which can be a good and bad thing depending on the scenario – but nevertheless I’m excited for what Q3 has in store!

Before I enter any new season (whether it be a new year, new quarter or really new anything) I loveeee to reflect. I believe that reflection is a form of gratitude because you’re taking time to truly recognize what you’ve accomplished while also setting your sights on what’s to come.

It’s easy to fall into the rat race of life and business (especially when time feels like it's passing so quickly) without fully recognizing the impact that you’re making, so taking the intentional time to reflect is super important!

So before I embrace Q3 with open arms, I want to look back on Q2 for my business (and life in general) and recognize what has happened in the last 90 days before I dive into what the next 90 hold.

Q2 By The Numbers

  • 52 blogs posts written for clients

  • 47 emails written for clients

  • 35 new Notes From Natty subscribers

  • 22.5% Instagram growth (reached my 500 follower goal that I set for the year 6 months early!)

  • 13 Notes From Natty sent

  • 12 blog posts written and published for myself

  • 7 1:1 clients served

  • 3 a-la-carte blog projects completed

  • 1 client lead magnet email sequence completed

  • 1 client launch email marketing project completed

  • 1 Blog Blitz booked for Q3

Favorite Q2 Moments

  • My color analysis appointment

Not to be dramatic, but learning my season has changed my life! If you’re reading this and have no clue what color analysis is, Google it (or if you’re like me, search it on TikTok) and thank me later.

I went to this appointment with my mom and sister and it was SO FUN!

Since learning that I’m an autumn, I’ve practically emptied my closet, have saved SO much money on clothes and instead of making random purchases on Amazon all the time, I’ve started renting quality items on Nuuly (that link will give you $10 and me $10).

10/10 recommend finding a House of Colour Consultant near you!

  • Speaking at Career Day

I had no idea how much joy speaking to elementary school kids about writing blogs for a living would bring me, but this was definitely a highlight of Q2 and I’m already looking forward to doing it again next year!

  • Sis trip to NYC

My sister and I do this thing where we take a trip to a new city for each of our birthdays and it’s the BEST tradition! This year we celebrated her birthday in NYC and even after 3 missed flights on a Monday (😅), it was our best yet.

We covered a LOT of ground in 2.5 days, but my favorite thing was by far the Britney Spears inspired Broadway show. If you ever get the chance to see Once Upon a One More Time, DO IT!

  • First annual bestie vacay

Last year, my friends and I decided that we wanted to start an annual vacation with each other that can grow into something that we do every single year with our families.

This year despite all of our busy and opposite schedules, we were determined to make it happen. So, we set a date for a group Zoom call, everyone came with their vacation idea and we all voted on the destination.

We landed on a short, 3-day trip that was fairly close to home and it was SO. FUN. After this trip, I’m convinced that intentionally planning time to spend with those closest to you matters soooo much and it’s not something to be overlooked!

  • Q3 Blog Content Planning Party

This idea came to me one random day while eating lunch.

If you read my content at all, you know that I’m a huge advocate of planning your blog content one quarter at a time (here’s why!), so I thought you know what – what if I hosted a virtual event where people had dedicated time to do this?!

So that’s exactly what I did!

The planning party was designed for those who already had a blog for their business and wanted to be more intentional with their planning AND for those who wanted to start a blog, but needed more guidance.

On the one hour call, attendees learned my 4 Step Blog Content Planning Process and then spent time actually planning their blog content for the entire quarter.

This event was SO fun to host, attendees left feeling empowered to work on their content for Q3 and it’s definitely something I hope to do again!

Favorite Q2 Investments

Throughout my life, I’ve always been a pretty slow buyer. If you’ve ever heard someone say that there’s tortoises and then there’s hares when it comes to buying, I would’ve undoubtedly been categorized with the tortoises.

But as I continue to grow my business, I’ve noticed that change overtime.

Now that I have ongoing clients, one off projects, my own content to keep up with and of course a life to live, I recognize the value in delegating what a) you’re not good at or b) someone else can do AND the power of investing in things that make your life better or easier.

This year the theme of my life and business is “foundation”, meaning I’m investing in and focusing on things that set the groundwork for growth – both personally and professionally.

Q1 was a little more life focused with my co-working space and a 6-week life coaching program.

In Q2 I meant business, which means I invested in BTL’s Site Series course (new website coming soon 👀) and branding with Nicole Burdick!

Branding and website copy are two things that I don’t consider to be my strong suit and I knew if I wanted them done right, I a) had to learn how to do it or b) had to outsource it!

Lessons Learned in Q2 Specifically

  • You have time.

I’m in an era of unlearning a lot of beliefs – shout out to Jenn Boughey and The TRIBE for giving me so many tools for this – and one belief that I’ve subconsciously been holding onto for a lot of my life revolves around the idea of “not having time.”

This belief has been the root of SO much anxiety and overwhelm and always made me feel internally chaotic.

On the outside I’ve probably always seemed fine to other people, but on the inside my mind was in a constant state of panic because “I didn’t have enough time.”

This belief is why I used to put so much pressure on myself to wake up early, rush through my morning routine and make sure I was at my desk working by a certain time each day.

This belief is why I used to struggle so much with being present and enjoying the moment because I was constantly consumed with what I needed to do next.

In Q2, I vowed to slow the heck down – and I did. As it turns out, I have plenty of time – and so do you!

  • Contentment does NOT equal complacency.

Another myth I’ve had to debunk is that contentment does not equal complacency.

I’ve always been someone that strives for growth – both personally and professionally - and somewhere along the way I started to believe that if I’m content with where I’m at that means I’m not growing.

Recently I realized how silly that sounds.

Now I know and understand that contentment is being happy and satisfied with where I’m at WHILE ALSO still having healthy goals and striving for growth.

Complacency is feeling unsatisfied yet not taking any action to change.

Realizing the difference between the two has really helped my brain and I hope it helps yours too!

  • Action always breeds clarity.

We’ve all experienced a time in our life where we didn’t have clarity and being in that spot is not a good feeling. It can feel paralyzing and confusing and completely send our brains into a spiral.

One of the greatest things that I’ve learned this year and repeated to myself over and over again is that some sort of actions ALWAYS breeds clarity.

Don’t know what to do? Do something. Even if it’s the wrong thing. Because you’ll never know it’s the wrong thing without trying it first.

What You Can Expect From Natty Writes in Q3

  • New blog posts every Wednesday (these aren’t going anywhere!)

  • A new edition of Notes From Natty in your inbox every Friday morning

  • A brand refresh complete with a new website (I’m SO giddy about this)

  • More a-la-carte blog availability (inquire here if you’re in need)

  • More spots for 1:1 Blog Strategy and Planning Calls (book yours!)

Here’s to the next 90! 🎉


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The Anatomy of an Effective (and SEO Friendly) Blog Post